Undergraduate Degrees
The Department of Mathematics offers a curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. This degree is well-suited for students aiming toward a variety of mathematical careers in industry or secondary education, or planning for graduate education.
All students in the Mathematics BS program complete the same ten core courses, which serve as an introduction to the various subfields of mathematics, and then select one of the following five options for completing the degree.
Specialization track options:
Accelerated Master’s Program
The Department of Mathematics also offers a curriculum leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Science (MS) in Mathematics. This program allows students to count 9 credit hours of mathematics courses toward both degrees. As a result, a student can obtain both degrees in 5 years--more quickly than if completing the BS and MS individually. Any undergraduate interested in the Accelerated Master's Program should declare Mathematics as a major early in their academic career.
Undergraduate Minors
The Math minor provides more robust preparation for those majoring in any field that relies on calculus, including the natural sciences, engineering, and computer science.
The Department of Mathematics also offers a minor in Statistics for students majoring in social sciences or any field requiring preparation in calculus and probability.
Graduate Programs
The Department of Mathematics offers a strong graduate program leading to the Master of Science (MS) in Applied Mathematics. Specific areas of study currently available include probability and statistics, differential equations, applied analysis, algebra, and coding theory. Students may select a thesis or non-thesis option for the MS. For more information on this graduate program, please contact the department's Graduate Chair.
Students can either follow a general track for the MS degree or tailor their curriculum by choosing one of four tracks:
- PhD Preparation
- Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Education
- Business and Management
Click on the title above for more information on this program and its tracks.
The Master of Sciences (MSc) with Mathematics Emphasis Program is a cross-disciplinary program leading to the Master of Sciences degree. It provides an opportunity to extend and broaden training in the natural sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics. For more information on this graduate program, please contact the department's Graduate Chair. All courses credited toward the degree after admission must be taken at the University of Colorado, at the Colorado Springs, Denver, Health Sciences, or Boulder campuses, over a maximum of five years or six successive summers.
The Department of Mathematics at UCCS offers a curriculum leading to a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, which is part of the university's Applied Science program. For more information on this graduate program, please contact the department's Graduate Chair. Please refer to the research page for the primary research interests of the department faculty.
Additional Program Offerings
The UCCS MathOnline program has been providing high-quality university math courses to a wide audience for almost 20 years. MathOnline allows qualified high school and post-high school students to enroll for credit in UCCS courses without having to physically be on campus. Anyone meeting the educational background requirements for each specific course is welcome. The program is well suited for the thousands of high school students throughout the country who have completed their high school mathematics courses before their senior year, as well as for post-high school students who choose the convenience and quality of our program to fulfill various requirements or simply their continuing education desires.
Most MathOnline courses run synchronously with the corresponding on-campus courses (Fall and Spring semesters). We use the latest technology for capturing lectures (Panopto) which gives students access to the course through a dual video feed, one to capture the whiteboard and the other focusing on the entire front of the class. This gives a very realistic feeling to the lectures.
MathOnline course credits are transferable to many top-tier institutions across the country.
Actuarial Science Preparation is a listing of strongly recommended courses for students interested in pursuing a career as an Actuary. These courses cover topics that will be included in some of the preliminary professional exams that students need to pass to become a credentialed Actuary. Additional study outside of the degree program will be required to successfully complete the remaining Actuary exams.