About the Department

Chair's Welcome

Peter Braza, PhD

Mathematics is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving in response to external challenges coming from applications and internal challenges coming from unsolved problems. It plays a central role in science and engineering, and a key supporting role in economics, business and government. From humble beginnings in counting and land management, mathematics has expanded dramatically to encompass algebra, geometry, logic, calculus, and many extensions of these core subjects. Students who are analytical by nature, who enjoy thinking critically, and who appreciate a deep understanding of what they study may find mathematics attractive, stimulating, and challenging.

To address the interests of a varied student population, the UCCS Mathematics Department offers several tracks within its Bachelor of Science degree program. Following a shared core of basic courses, the tracks branch in several directions. The pure math track is intended to appeal to students interested in exploring the foundations of the subject, often with the intent to pursue a graduate degree in mathematics. In contrast, students can follow the applied math track if they plan to use mathematics as an essential tool in engineering, science, or other disciplines where real-world models, analyses, and predictions are needed. The statistics track is well-suited to those interested in directions like public health or actuarial work. As part of a program leading to a teaching license, another track prepares students for careers in secondary education. It is even possible to design your own track.

We look forward to meeting you and supporting you in your studies.

Academic Focus

Teaching in Math Department

The Math Department's undergraduate program allows students to specialize in one of the following tracks: pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, secondary teaching, and flexibility. Additionally, the Accelerated Master's program enables students to earn both undergraduate and graduate degrees in just five years, and the department also offers minor degrees in mathematics and statistics. 

Doctoral students can specialize in the department's research areas, and the master's program offers two options: the MS in mathematics and applied mathematics, and the cross-disciplinary MSc. 

The MathOnline program also allows high school and other students to earn credit for UCCS courses remotely.

Department Administration

Faculty & Research

Model of a hyperloop system outside Engineering Building

The Math Department at UCCS features a highly qualified and diverse group of educators, with expertise spanning a vast array of mathematical disciplines.

Our faculty includes specialists in areas such as algebra, applied mathematics, analysis, differential equations, applied analysis, computational mathematics, probability, and statistics.

Mission Statement

The Department of Mathematics is a thriving community that supports a wide range of mathematical activities and plays a crucial role in the education of students at UCCS.

Our mission is to instill a sense of the beauty and utility of mathematics in all our students; create transformational learning activities for our students inside and outside of the classroom; prepare our students for meaningful careers and advanced degrees by enhancing their technical skills and critical thinking ability; create a supportive environment both for our students' optimal learning and our faculty and students' successful research; and contribute to the advancement of mathematical knowledge and contributions to society through our research and its applications.

DEI Statement

El pomar tower on uccs campus

The UCCS Department of Mathematics endeavors to provide a welcoming environment for all people. We recognize the diversity of mathematical talent and interest and work with students of all backgrounds and experiences to help everyone reach their full potential. 

We are a community that is committed to fair and respectful treatment of all students, faculty, and staff. We are particularly cognizant that mathematics is an essential gateway to all STEM fields. As such, we are deeply invested in the success of our students, faculty, and staff.