Mathematics Research & Initiatives at UCCS

Research Interests

The Math Department at UCCS is home to a diverse and accomplished faculty with expertise spanning a wide range of mathematical fields, including algebra, nonlinear waves, applied mathematics, differential equations, applied analysis, computational mathematics, probability, and statistics.

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image of part of a hyperloop tunnel model


The Math Department sponsors a weekly series of colloquia exploring emerging research in both pure and applied fields for faculty and students.

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image of model of soliton interactions

Algebra Seminar

The algebra seminar, also known as Rings & Wings, hosts talks on all aspects of algebra.

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algebra seminar logo- large Z with chicken wings nearby

Mathematical Data Science Seminar

This seminar welcomes faculty and students from the Pikes Peak region who are interested in mathematical aspects of data science and machine learning, and more broadly, optimization,  scientific computation, modeling and simulations. The seminar It is intended to have a very informal format, with several seminars in the format of workshops rather than lecture format, introducing the audience to topics that are of current interest and are normally not covered in the standard math curriculum.

The seminar will run in parallel with the Math Clinic, a new program for graduate and undergraduate mathematics students designed to provide provide an opportunity to directly experience how their studies can translate to solving immediate and relevant problems in a tangible way. Because each project is organized as a research group, students are also provided with opportunities to understand how their current skills and interests can contribute to multi-faceted and often complex team projects; such opportunities are extraordinarily valuable in helping students understand their strengths and weaknesses in a safe environment designed to encourage growth. Furthermore, because these projects often require expertise from several distinct domains, students gain insight into problem-solving approaches and tools which they may not have otherwise encountered as part of their core education.


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faculty and students participating in Math Clinic

Nonlinear Waves Seminar

The weekly Nonlinear Waves seminar is motivated by wave phenomena in various systems. However, more broadly, we are interested in computational and applied mathematics. All are welcome to attend. All meetings are in-person, unless specified otherwise.

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nonlinear wave phenomena image

Distinguished Lecturer Series

The Math Department usually sponsors one distinguished lecture each year, with speakers coming from around the world. 

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Math on a page

Colorado Nonlinear Days Conference

In April 2024, the UCCS Department of Mathematics is hosting a two-day conference bringing together participants from several top mathematics programs for talks on nonlinear theory and emerging applications. 

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slide showing nonlinear equations