Faculty & Staff Resources
Teaching Resources
Guide for moving UCCS Math classes online
UCCS Faculty Resource Center Provides online and in-person (by appointment) support for all kinds of teaching technology and other teaching needs.
Canvas support Help with the UCCS online course delivery system. All courses, whether online, hybrid, or in-person are required to have at minimum a syllabus posted on Canvas.
UCCS Remote Teaching and Learning Tools support
Course Syllabi
Approved syllabi for select courses can be found here.
Travel Forms and Resources
Concur Travel Request Instructions All domestic and international travel must be approved prior to booking a trip. It is recommended that domestic travel be approved using Concur Request. All international travel must be approved using Concur Request and you will need to enter your Request ID to finalize your international travel reservation.
Use the Travel Request Form to request department, ledger, or grant funds for travel related to research or academic duties. Once the form is signed by the Department Chair, a speed-type number will be provided by the Program Assistant which can be used to book travel through Christopherson Business Travel.
To reach Christopherson Business Travel (business hours M-F, 7:00 am-5:30 pm Mountain Time), email them at cutravel@cbtravel.com, or:
- Toll-Free Phone: 1-855-462-8885
- Fax: 1-303-741-6329
- Emergency After Hours Phone: 1-800-787-2390 (must reference service code AI79)
- International Emergency After Hours Phone: 1-818-575-4313 (collect call using service code AI79)
Calculating expenses for Travel Request Form
International Travel
Effective January 4th, 2016, all international travel will require active approval from both the department and the designated International Travel Approver for the traveler's organizational unit, prior to booking the trip. International travel to high-risk destinations will require additional pre-approval from the appropriate officer. Travelers must personally submit their planned itinerary and other information through the new Concur Request module. Here is a step-by-step guide for completing the International Travel Request.
Internal Grant Applications
The UCCS Department of Mathematics invites applications for grants to fund activities that will assist the Department in providing high-quality instruction. Faculty, staff, student groups, and individual students are encouraged to apply. Applications may propose activities including, but not limited to, the following:
- Support for student-run retention activities coordinated by the Mathematics Department. These activities include mentoring students on study skills and preparing for their mathematics courses.
- Support for instructional software and computer technology used in teaching and delivering the mathematics curriculum.
- Support for student club projects to which all students enrolled in mathematics courses are invited. These include career placement events.
- Support for student mentoring and educational activities, including travel and registration fees for students to participate in mathematics-related conferences.
Application Guidelines
Proposals should be submitted to the UCCS Mathematics Department, to the attention of the Math Program Fee Committee. Proposals should clearly describe the anticipated student educational benefits. All proposals must itemize proposed expenses. Students need not be mathematics majors to apply, but any student who submits a proposal must be currently enrolled in at least 3 credit hours of Mathematics courses. All proposals must adhere to the appropriate policies of the Mathematics Department, LAS College, UCCS Campus, and the CU System.
Depending on the anticipated schedule for proposed activities, proposals should generally be submitted by the November 15 and April 15 deadlines.
To accommodate small-scale activities, such as travel to a student conference, relatively small funding requests may be submitted at any time. Since funding for these grants is limited, requests for more than $10,000, regardless of their merit, are unlikely to be funded.
Department Policies:
- Department Bylaws
- Criteria for Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
- Annual Review Criteria
- GTF Seminar
- Lower Division Math Course Policy
- Math Program Fee Policy
University Policies: