Mathematics Program Fee

Below is the approved fee policy for the UCCS Mathematics Department. The Mathematics Department proposed a revision to the fee policy in 2013. The proposal was modified slightly and approved in Fall 2014 by the LAS Fee Committee.

I. Fee Amount

As of Fall 2012, the fee is as follows: $20 per MATH credit hour with a maximum of $120 per student per semester. This applies to all courses offered by Mathematics with the exception of graduate thesis courses and Extended Studies courses.

II. Use of the Fee

The purpose of the fee is to help support the Mathematics Department in providing high quality instruction. Consistent with this purpose,the Department intends to use the monies generated from this program fee in a variety of ways, including but not limited to the following items.

  1. Support for Mathematics Placement Test administration, analysis, and updates.
  2. Support for instructional aids, including grading by student workers, as well as the technology required to grade electronic transmissions of mathematics assignments.
  3. Support for training, mentoring, and supplementary tutorial assistance for mathematics courses. This includes support for a Supplemental Instruction program, whereby qualified students supplement classroom instruction in learning sessions related to specific mathematics courses, and conducted outside of class time.
  4. Support for student-­‐run retention activities coordinated by the Mathematics Department. These activities include mentoring students on study skills and preparation for their mathematics courses.
  5. Support for printing of mathematics classroom materials
  6. Support for instructional software (such as Matlab licensing) and computer technology used in teaching and delivering the mathematics curriculum.
  7. Support for all instructional labs within the Department, including support for lab monitors, tutors, printing supplies, software licenses, equipment, etc.


III. Mathematics Program Fee Committee

A standing MPF Committee in Mathematics will handle proposals for financial support by students, faculty, and staff for projects consistent with the purposes of the fee. The committee members will be appointed by the chair of the Mathematics Department. A portion of the Mathematics Department website will be set aside to describe the Mathematics Program Fee and to specify parameters (including deadlines) for the proposal process and further to describe what proposals have been funded in the past. It is the responsibility of the MPF Committee to maintain and update this portion of the Mathematics Department website.

Approval Process:

  1. The MPF Committee will meet at least once every semester to consider proposals as above and to vote on recommendations for disbursal of funds. No member of this approval process may approve or vote on their own submitted proposal.
  2. All proposals must adhere to the appropriate policies of the Mathematics Department, LAS College, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Campus, and the CU-­‐system.
  3. All proposals must itemize proposed expenses.
IV. Management of the Mathematics Program Fee

The Chair of Mathematics has the authority and responsibility to directly oversee the Mathematics Program Fee. The Mathematics Chair will be guided by the following principles for the management of the MPF.

  1. Reserve. Under normal circumstances, the intent is to maintain a reserve of 10% of the annual fee revenue, that may be used for emergency purposes (e.g. to replace lost or stolen equipment). Emergency expenditures of the reserve funds by Mathematics should be made in concurrence with the LAS Dean.
  2. Disbursement methods. The MPF will be disbursed by two methods as follows: (i) continuing disbursements to student workers and for overhead needs consistent with the points II.1-­‐9; (ii) project driven disbursements for approved proposals.
  3. Proposal funding guidelines. Proposals for fee expenditures may be submitted to the MPF Committee in Mathematics as in section III. The majority of the expenditures should support continuing instructional support or technology needs such as those uses outlined in section II.