Research Interests
Gene Abrams (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Algebra
Specific Research Topics:
- Associative rings and modules
- Leavitt algebras and connections to C*-algebras
- Morita equivalences between module categories

Peter Braza (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Applied Mathematics
Specific Research Topics:
- Population dynamics
- Physical applied mathematics

Radu Cascaval (Associate Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Applied Analysis & Computational Mathematics
Specific Research Topics:
- Spectral theory of integrable systems
- Nonlinear PDEs and fluid mechanics
- Applications in optical communications, physiology & medicine

Sarbarish Chakravarty (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Differential Equations & Applied Math

Justin Cole (Assistant Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Waves
Specific Research Topics:
- Modeling of wave phenomena in dispersive media
- Solitons
- Asymptotic and perturbative approximations
- Inverse scattering transform
- Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations

Zachary Mesyan (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Algebra
Specific Research Topics:
- Rings
- Groups
- Semigroups
- Linear algebra

Greg Morrow (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Probability & Statistics
Specific Research Topics:
- Percolation theory
- Large deviations

Greg Oman (Associate Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Algebra & Logic
Specific Research Topics:
- Ring theory
- Abelian group theory
- Set theory
- Semigroup theory
- Problem posing

Rinaldo Schinazi (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Probability & Statistics
Specific Research Topics:
- Probability models in population biology and epidemiology
- Interacting particle systems

Denis Silantyev (Assistant Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Computational Mathematics & Nonlinear Waves
Specific Research Topics:
- Nonlinear wave dynamics, instabilities and collapses in optics, plasma and hydrodynamics
- Laser-plasma interaction, laser fusion
- Plasma kinetics and rarefied gas dynamics
- Numerical methods for ODEs/PDEs including spectral methods, adaptive and nonuniform grids
- Scientific computing, high-performance computing (HPC), multi-precision computations

Mark Tomforde (Associate Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Functional Analysis and Operator Algebras
Specific Research Topics:
- C*-algebras and K-theory
- Graph C*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras
- Rings, modules, and Morita equivalence
- Interactions of algebra and analysis

Yu Zhang (Professor)
General Area of Expertise: Probability & Statistics
Specific Research Topics:
- Mathematical physics and biological models, including percolation theory, first passage percolation, infinite particle systems and random graphs
- General probability theory, including the central limit theorem by martingale approaches

Robert Carlson (Professor Emeritus)
General Area of Expertise: Analysis & Differential Equations
Specific Research Topics:
- Analysis on graphs
- Spectral theory for quantum graphs

James Daly (Professor Emeritus)
General Area of Expertise: Harmonic Analysis
Specific Research Topics:
- Singular integral operators
- Multiplier operators
- Fourier and Walsh series
- Dyadic analysis

K.M. Rangaswamy (Professor Emeritus)
General Area of Expertise: Algebra
Specific Research Topics:
- Abelian groups
- Associative rings and modules