Math Clinic

Math Clinic

The UCCS Math Clinic is a internshop and workshop program for UCCS for mathematics students (undergraduate and graduate) and not only (other majors are welcome) designed to provide exposure to real-world problems which can be solved, understood, or clarified via the application of various fields of mathematics.


Relevant Links:




The Math Clinic provides an opportunity for students to work on real projects,  with a significant math and computational component. Students experience how their studies in mathematics can translate to solving immediate and relevant problems in a tangible way. Because each project is organized as a research group, students are also provided with opportunities to understand how their current skills and interests can contribute to multi-faceted and often complex team projects; such opportunities are extraordinarily valuable in helping students understand their strengths and weaknesses in a safe environment designed to encourage growth. Furthermore, because these projects often require expertise from several distinct domains, students gain insight into problem-solving approaches and tools which they may not have otherwise encountered as part of their core education.

By working with non-academic (commercial or nonprofit) agencies, students also gain insight into some of the latest industry-standard practices and professional expectations which will be expected of them upon entering the workforce. In turn, sponsoring agencies gain access to a vibrant and robust community of mathematicians-in-training and supporting faculty who can take advantage of university resources to solve existing (or new!) problems in innovative ways.

Math Clinic interns may choose from a range of available projects suggested and sponsored by external clients from real companies or agencies. Interns work in teams and adhere to all the rules and expectations for the specific project, as dictated by the external client. The roles of the students, faculty advisors and the external clients are described in detail here.

The expected time commitment for students varies each semester, but generally is between 5 and 10 hours a week for the duration of the internship. Details about available projects (synopsis, goals and deliverables) are provided to the successfully applicants, as each client has different requirements for release of information.




We anticipate the next Math Clinic to run in Fall 2024 (Sep 30 - Nov 22). The current (Spring 2024) Math Clinic runs between April 1 and May 24.

Download the application form here: MathClinicApplicationSpring2024_0.pdf
Deadline to apply is Friday, March 22. Successful applicants will be notified no later than Monday, March 25, 2024.

For questions about the upcoming program or Math Clinic in general, please contact Dr. Radu Cascaval ( or Dr. Peter Braza (

Past Projects and Workshops

Past Math Clinic projects were sponsored by:

Additionally, the Math Clinic has been organizing workshops open to all UCCS students. Material covered in the workshops can be accessed at

  • 1:  Basics of Python. Data Manipulation and Analysis

  • 2:  Linear Regression. Gradient Descent

  • 3:  Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • 4:  Neural Networks

  • 5:  Deep Learning

  • 6:  More Deep Learning

  • 7:  Applications of DL



For more information or if you are interested in contributing to the Math Clinic, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Radu Cascaval at or Dr. Peter Braza at

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following Sponsors: 




Society for Industrial and Applied Math

CU Denver Math Clinic:

Claremont Engineering and Computational Math Clinic:

Harvey Mudd College Math Clinic: