
Accuplacer provides a lot of study materials on their web page. In particular, you will want to examine the downloads labelled “Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics” and “Advanced Algebra and Functions”. You can also create a free account here to access a study app online. Again, you’ll want to focus on the materials for “Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics” and “Advanced Algebra and Functions”.

Alternative testing locations can be found through the Accuplacer web page. After finding an alternative location, please email with your full name and student ID.

Yes, but you will not be able to enroll in a math course until 2-3 business days after you take the Accuplacer.

The test is open-ended, and takes most students around 1 hour to complete, but some students take up to 3 hours.

Students with recent ACT or SAT scores submitted to UCCS can be placed into MATH courses without further testing. See the ACT/SAT placement page for more details.

Placement into MATH courses on the basis of AP scores is possible. Additional information can be found here. However, AP scores arrive at UCCS only in July of each year. If you would like to enroll in a section of a MATH section before then, you will need to take the Accuplacer. For placement into MATH courses higher than Calculus I, please discuss your best options with your academic advisor.

If you have transferred to UCCS a course taken at another college, then it may be used to place into a more advanced MATH course. Please ask your academic advisor about this.

Note that statistics courses generally cannot be used for MATH placement.

Please check the Math Courses by Major page.

Since the Accuplacer is not a timed test, the extended time accommodation should not be needed. For other accommodations please contact the Disability Service at

Students may not take the Accuplacer more than twice. If you feel you have a very good reason for needing to take the placement exam a third time, please email You must include your full name and student ID number in the email.  

If you have a question about math placement, please send an email to the Math Placement Coordinator at Please include your full name and student ID in your email.