Video Course Archive


Video Course

The videos below are provided by the Department of Mathematics as a free resource for the community of learners. Videos of current MathOnline courses can be accessed via Canvas, by students enrolled in the program.

MATH 1350 | Calculus I
MATH 1360 | Calculus II
MATH 2150 | Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2350 | Calculus III
MATH 3110 | Theory of Numbers
MATH 3130 | Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 3400 | Introduction to Differential Equations
MATH 3410 | Introduction to Analysis
MATH 3810 | Introduction to Probability and Statisticsis
MATH 4130 | Linear Algebra I
MATH 4140 | Modern Algebra I
MATH 4250 | Chaotic Dynamical Systems
MATH 4430 | Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 4470 | Methods of Applied Math
MATH 4480 | Mathematical Modeling
MATH 4810 | Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 4820 | Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 4830 | Linear Statistical Models
MATH 5330 | Real Analysis I
MATH 5350 | Applied Functional Analysis