Nonlinear Waves Seminar

Nonlinear Waves

The Nonlinear Waves seminar is motivated by wave phenomena in various systems. However, more broadly, we are interested in computational and applied mathematics. All are welcome to attend. All meetings are in-person, unless specified otherwise.

If you would like to give a talk, email Justin Cole (

Wednesdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm OSB B215


Spring 2023


Name, Affiliation

January 25  
February 1  
February 8 Dr. Sarbarish Chakravarty, UCCS Rational Solutions of KPI Equation
February 15 Dr. Sarbarish Chakravarty, UCCS Rational Solutions of KPI Equation (cont.)
February 22 Snow Day 
March 1 Dr. Denis Silantyev, UCCS Numerical Solutions of gCLM equation with dissipation
March 8 Dave Milovich, Welkin Sciences  Unsettled linear algebra of Fourier transforms of complex-coefficient pseudo-Gaussians
March 15

 Abdullah Aurko, Florida State University

 (Zoom Talk)

 Examining instabilities in nonlinear waves using classical and modern approaches
March 22

 Sathyanarayanan Chandramouli,

 Florida State University (Zoom Talk)

 Non-Hermitian dispersive hydrodynamics and Riemann problems
March 29 Spring Break 
April 5 Dr. Justin Cole, UCCS Soliton dynamics in the KdV equation with step BCs
April 12 Dr. Denis Silantyev, UCCS Exact solutions of gCLM equation with dissipation
April 19 Michael Nameika, UCCS Data driven approximations of topological insulator systems
April 26 Troy Johnson, UCCS Numerical approximation of rational solutions of PDEs
May 3  

Spring 2023 Abstracts

